G̲h̲ālib-i Aʻẓam : tārīk̲h̲ī ḍrāmah
- Title:
- G̲h̲ālib-i Aʻẓam : tārīk̲h̲ī ḍrāmah
- Alternative Title:
- Ghalib-e-Azam :tarikhi drama
- Attribution:
- Caran Dās Siddhū.
- Contributors:
- Siddhū, Caranadāsa, 1938-2013
- Publication:
- Dihlī : Kitābī Dunyā, 2011.
- Description:
- 100 pages
- Language:
- Urdu
- Notes:
- Historical play centered on the character of Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, 1797-1869, Urdu and Persian poet, previously performed on stage.
- Identifier:
- IndianTheater10430