Landmark letters. -- Munshis in life and literature, by N.C. Mehta. -- Man of letters, by V.N. Bhushan. -- Historical novels of Bujarat, by B.P. Bhatt. -- Social plays and novels, by M.N. Pandya. -- Epic of ancient Aryans, by V.N. Bushan. -- Art and philosophy of life, by Devendra Satyarthi and K.R. Shrinivasa Iyengar. -- Politics, by Joseph John, D.H. Buch, and A.C. Krishnamurti. -- Munshiji in law, by J.M. Shelat. -- Constructive work, by Joseph John, A.C. Kishnamurti and K.G. Rama Rao. -- The man and his message, by Krishnalal Shridharani, D.P. Murekji and B.P. Bhatt. -- I look back, by Munshiji. -- The heritage of renaissance, by Munshiji.